The Hot Outsiders Collection, Volume 1 (MM)

The Hot Outsiders

Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

Heat Rating: Sextreme
Word Count: 48,123
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[Siren Classic ManLove: Erotic Romance, Alternative, Fantasy, Demons, MM, HEA]

Option 1: Understand the Outsider

Demons have come to our world, and now they buy and sell humans. Their excuse? Humans are self-destructive. Liam Mori has been living at the Human Services and refuses to be sold. However, when a certain demon comes along to buy him, Liam realizes that he wants to leave that place. The more he gets to know the demon, the more he notices how the demon expresses affection toward him.

Nova Rabbitte and his kind have come to Earth due to the deadly war that turned their world into ruins. It seems that humans don't like them since they refer to their kind as demons. Nova loves dogs from Earth to the point of having a grumble of pugs. Because of them, a friend advises Nova to buy a human to help. But Nova gradually notices that the human he chose is the one. As their relationship develops nicely, Nova wants to make Liam his mate, but it goes terribly wrong.

Option 2: Discipline the Outsider

Demons have invaded our world and taken over. Shawn Maddox has fallen victim to illegal sellers and has been living in poor conditions. He refuses to be sold, which angers the demons in the worst ways possible. One day, fire demons, powerful beings that became the police of our world, arrest the traffickers and Shawn meets Victor Haayu.

After the war between humans and demons, Victor, a demon, decides to become a doctor in the human world so he can give something back in return for staying here. During a rescue operation, he meets Shawn, who despises demons. Victor has no choice except to take Shawn home or risk him being sold to another demon. In close quarters passions ignite between them and they become lovers. Along the way, Shawn begins to show signs that he wants to help other demons catch the illegal sellers, which worries Victor. After the unexpected happens to Shawn, Victor has no choice but to accept the fact that his lover wants to help others by putting himself in danger...

The Hot Outsiders Collection, Volume 1 (MM)
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The Hot Outsiders Collection, Volume 1 (MM)

The Hot Outsiders

Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

Heat Rating: Sextreme
Word Count: 48,123
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Cover Art by Siren Publishing

Option 1: Understand the Outsider


Liam sat up on his bed when he heard footsteps coming closer. The shoes clacked on the floor, and it wasn’t Tom. Tom only wore running shoes. Liam stood and approached the glass, his bare feet stepping on the blue fur carpet he’d picked when they brought him here.

Was a demon going to buy a human?

Only a year ago, demons appeared out of nowhere and invaded four continents—Asia, Europe, South America, and North America, where he was now. He didn’t know where they’d brought him a year ago, but he hadn’t left the United States. He also had no idea if his family was all right, but it seemed that the demons didn’t hurt humans. In fact, he was well fed and apparently ready for sale at any moment.

The footsteps got closer and closer and reverberated in the quiet hallways. Liam could hear someone watching television, but it was in the distance. It really seemed that another human would be bought today. That was one of the reasons why he didn’t make any friends. They could be taken at any moment.

Tom came in sight and greeted Liam with a wave. “There’s someone interested in you,” he said cheerfully.

Liam’s heart sank. There was nothing cheerworthy about that. Liam had to turn his eyes over Tom’s head. No way. This demon was huge. Liam’s head reached the demon’s chest, not even his shoulders. “I will not be bought by anyone,” Liam finally told Tom.

“Come on, Liam, don’t say that again. This is the third demon you're trying to refuse,” Tom said with a pout. “Humans only have two chances to refuse demons. This time is the charm.”

Liam scowled at Tom. “I don’t care,” he said firmly and looked up at the demon. The demon had light blond, almost silver, hair. His eyes were a deep blue. When Tom stepped out of the way, Liam could see what the demon wore. He had a white shirt on and a pair of dark gray suit pants. His jacket sat neatly on his forearm.

“This is Nova Rabbitte. He’s a fire demon, so you’ll have everything you need,” Tom told him. “All you have to do is work for him.” He slumped over when Liam shook his head frantically. “I’m just going to let him in so you two can have a chat and get to know each other.”

What? Liam ran across the room and hid under the desk as soon as Tom reached for the lock that was close to the floor. This was the first time Tom opened the door for a demon to get in.

No. He wasn’t going anywhere!

Liam shivered and his heart pounded in his chest when the glass door slid open to the side. He saw from under the desk chair the demon’s shoes stepping on the soft carpet as he walked in. The glass door was closed and he spotted Tom turning around.

“I’m not going to hurt you,” the demon said.

A subtle cloud of cologne reached Liam’s nose. It was lavender mixed with a spicy scent. “How can I be sure?” Liam mumbled.

Nova crouched and looked under the desk, his head tilted to the left. His wavy hair flowed down his shoulder while his deep blue eyes were on Liam. “How old are you?”

“Didn’t they tell you?” Liam asked quietly.

“I didn’t ask.” Nova held one leg of the chair and easily moved it aside. “Are you going to tell me?”

Liam pressed his back against the corner of the desk. Nova was like a wall that didn’t allow him any kind of escape. On top of that, the demon was in arms’ reach. If he wanted to, he could just take Liam with him.

He couldn’t help but shake at the closeness of the demon’s massive body. Liam’s hands wouldn’t stop trembling, and even if he wanted to get up, his legs had gone weak. “I’m twenty-five,” he finally answered. “Why are you choosing me? There are many others you can pick.”

“You’re the one who got my attention,” Nova said calmly and opened his hand in front of Liam. “If you come with me, I can assure you that you won’t be treated badly. I might be a fire demon, but I don’t hurt the weak.”

The weak. Liam frowned. “Where did you come from? I asked every demon I saw and they never answered.”

“Because it brings them bad memories,” Nova said. “Our world had two sides and both started a deadly war over which ruler was the most powerful. It lasted for years, so during that time, skilled demons created a portal that would take all of us to another world. When I left, my world was in ruins. A high number of demons didn’t survive. Some are still out there, not wanting to leave their home and rebuild.”

Liam looked away. “Why are you enslaving humans, then?”




“Well, you’ve been showing some signs, and what I’d like to know is…do you like me?”

Nova choked on his food and coughed violently, punching the center island with his fist. “Why are you—?”

Liam got up and went around to help Nova. He patted the guy’s back. “Wrong pipe. Calm down, it’s just a simple question.”

It was the first time Liam touched Nova himself. He could feel the tense, covered muscles of the demon’s broad back against his palm and his fingers. He flinched when Nova looked at him, his deep blue eyes locked on Liam’s. It was most likely from coughing so much, but Nova’s cheeks had a shade of red and his eyes had reddened up slightly as well.

Without any warning, Nova wrapped his arm around Liam’s waist and yanked him against his strong body. “Was it that obvious?”

Liam looked away. The proximity between them, their bodies touching, made his heart pound so much that his chest burned. Liam’s breathing quickened and his hands began to sweat in seconds. This was something he hadn’t expected, at least not now.

“Yes, it was,” Liam finally said.

Nova reached over and rested his hand on Liam’s cheek. The demon move his face closer to Liam’s. Was Nova going to kiss him? Liam clenched his hands at his sides, Nova’s arm still around him.

“Got you,” Nova uttered, drawing Liam’s attention. “What did you think I was going to do, kiss you?” He gave Liam a strange grin.

It wasn’t funny. Liam looked away. “I’m going to eat,” he muttered. When he tried to move away, Nova didn’t let him and pulled him back. Liam looked into the demon’s eyes. “What is it?”

Nova turned to Liam and pressed his lips against Liam’s, sucking in a breath through his nose. The demon pushed his tongue past Liam’s lips and invaded his mouth. His hot muscle swirled against Liam’s in a sensual motion, stopping a few times on the sensitive top of his mouth.

Liam gripped Nova’s shirt with both hands. He couldn’t help but let out a moan when the demon’s hand moved down his back and groped his buttock. The way Nova touched him had Liam shaking in desire. Nova’s eyes slid open as he pulled away. “What kind of sound was that?” he asked faintly, his voice deep and husky.

“I didn’t make any sound,” Liam told him. He reached up and wiped his lips with his sleeve. Nova pecked his lips, surprising him. “What did you do that for?”

“Don’t do that,” Nova said. Liam wiped his lips once more and the demon pecked them again. “I will keep doing it if you don’t stop.”

He didn’t know what to think. It was as if Nova had moved up the curtains and showed his true self. He no longer revealed only signs. “Why?”

“Because I feel like it now.” Nova took Liam’s wrist and placed his hand on his crotch. “You should know that this is your fault. Right from the beginning, when we met at the Human Services. It’s been a while since I felt that I wanted someone to show off to my friends and looked good to me. That's no longer the case.”

The way Nova spoke close to him and how the demon’s hot breathing reached him made Liam’s suppressed feelings surface. Something about Nova had him melting in the demon’s arms, and his hand was on Nova’s hidden shaft. As much as he didn’t want to, a force pushed his whole being toward Nova. It scared him as much as it made him curious. After all, the guy was a demon.

Liam moved his hand away from Nova’s shaft. He then held the demon’s wrist and rose it up to his mouth. Liam moved the sleeve away and bit down on Nova’s forearm. While he swallowed dryly at the sight of Nova’s blue eyes closing halfway, his tongue brushed against the other man’s arm. Liam let out a brief moan when Nova was affected by the action to the point of a quiet growl coming from his throat.

Nova held Liam by his sides and sat him on his lap. The demon slid his hand under Liam’s shirt, on his back, his gentle fingers brushing along Liam’s spine. What was he going to do? Liam shuddered and arched against Nova. The demon put two fingers into his own mouth, wetting them thoroughly before he moved them past the hem of Liam’s pants.

“Wait, what are you doing?” Liam asked as soon as he felt the demon’s wet finger rubbing back and forth against his entrance. Nova didn’t say anything about it. Instead, the demon pushed the tip of his finger into Liam’s entrance, using the tightness of the pants for leverage. “I didn’t say you could do that,” he told Nova. Before he could do anything else, the finger inside of him brushed against his prostate. Liam groaned and wrapped his arms tightly around Nova’s neck.

Nova lapped his tongue at Liam’s neck and pressed a kiss to the wet area. “I won’t do any more than this,” he mumbled. “You stay quiet and just enjoy.”

How could he stay quiet with a finger in his ass? Liam groaned out. Two fingers.

He would tell Nova to stop, but he wasn’t sure if he wanted to. The demon’s fingers fucked him and stretched his entrance thoroughly. “No more than this,” Liam said faintly. Those words were the opposite of how he felt. He desired more. He wanted Nova to use something else.


Option 2: Discipline the Outsider


“I’ll give you two options,” Victor said with two of his fingers up, drawing Shawn’s attention. “You can either go to Human Services or you can let me keep you.”

Shawn widened his eyes for a moment and shook his head frantically. “I belong to no one,” he shouted. “What part of that don’t you understand? If you want an obedient human, go elsewhere. This one is not for sale.”

Victor raised a brow. “You only have these two options,” he said calmly. “You’re not getting out of here without a black strap around your neck, showing that you’re human.”

This couldn’t be happening. He was going from one prison to another. What had he done wrong to deserve this? “I pick none,” he replied, glaring up at the demon. Shawn pursed his lips when Victor sighed in annoyance. It wasn’t that Victor treated him badly, but Shawn didn’t feel that it was right to become a possession. “Besides, why would you want someone like me? I would pluck your eyes out with a fork in the middle of the night.”

“Thanks for the mental image,” Victor muttered. “Just pick one. If you go to Human Services, you can only refuse to be bought up to two times. The third time, you have to go with the demon. So, would you rather be bought by a stranger, or be with a demon who has enough patience not to pluck your eyes out in the middle of the night? You drive a guy insane.”

Shawn looked down. Either way, he would have no choice. Compared to the demons that had locked him at the apartment, Victor was rather patient with him. If it were anyone else, Shawn would have a few broken ribs and another black eye by now.

“I choose—” Shawn was cut off when the door opened.

A female demon walked in with a tray, her curly blond hair bouncing with each step she took. “I brought some food for the human.” She placed the tray on the desk before she left.

Victor took the glass of water and approached Shawn. “Drink this. You must be dehydrated.”

Shawn’s willpower had almost wavered. He couldn’t let that happen. He glared and slapped Victor’s hand, knocking the glass to the floor where it broke into small pieces, water splashing on the white tile. “I don’t need any sympathy from a demon!” He climbed down the hospital bed carefully and limped toward the exit. Shawn stopped when Victor stood between him and the door. “Get out of my way, demon.”

“If you leave this room, they will bring you back in.” Victor looked down on Shawn, his light-brown eyes narrowed. “I’m losing my cool, and when that happens, I will run over whoever is in my way. I suggest that you sit your ass back down on that bed. Right. Now.”

Shawn flinched when Victor pointed at the hospital bed. He’d thought that the demon was going to hit him. Shawn turned and went to sit on the bed. His whole body began to hurt. It became uncomfortable, even if he’d gotten used to pain. Perhaps relaxing didn’t have a positive effect. “Do you have any painkillers?”

“Even if I had some, I wouldn’t give you any,” Victor said as he examined Shawn’s ankle. “You only get nice things if you’re a good boy.”

Shawn grumbled. “Who are you calling a boy, demon? I’m twenty-six,” he said. He continued when Victor stared at him. “I know. I get that a lot. People think that I’m eighteen or something by the way I look.”

“I turned thirty a couple of months ago,” Victor said.

“I’m not here to chit-chat,” Shawn said. He looked over at the tray of food. Even though the plate wasn’t full enough to appease his hunger, he would eat whatever was on it.

Victor squeezed Shawn’s ankle lightly, making him wince. “Like I said, you will only get nice things if you behave. I’m going to assume that you accept being mine.”

“That sounds perverted and possessive,” Shawn mumbled, averting his eyes. “I’m not yours.” It was bad enough that Victor was on one knee on the floor while holding his foot. The sheer size of the demon already made him feel tiny. When they’d fought on the bed—what a weird thought—they had held hands for a brief moment. Victor’s hand had nearly engulfed Shawn’s.




Victor rested his chest on Shawn’s back, his handsome face coming into view. “Are you willing to be taken by a demon now?”

“Taken by you?” Shawn mumbled and looked at Victor’s grin, the demon’s fangs sharp, and the bottom ones peeking out. “Hmm . . .” Shawn nibbled on his bottom lip. Victor’s weight on top of him was safe and comfortable, and he could feel Victor’s crotch against his ass. He did like this demon—just not the other demons. “Yes.” He looked away when Victor widened his eyes slightly.

Victor moved from behind Shawn, the palm of his hand pressed against Shawn’s back, and he reached into the first drawer of the nightstand. “You left it here. I got it when I returned from work recently. Did you know it was going to happen?”

“Left what?” Shawn asked. He wanted to slap himself when Victor showed the tube of lubricant. “Don’t embarrass me more than I already am, okay?”

“Fine, fine,” Victor uttered.

The cap of the tube was opened and Shawn swallowed dryly. Victor reached his fingers into the hem of Shawn’s sweatpants and pulled them down. Shawn didn’t want to look back. He didn’t know what he would do if he saw Victor’s face.

Shawn perked his ass up as soon as he felt a slick finger sliding between his buttocks and circling his entrance. It had been over a year since he’d been touched like this, and it’d been a one-night stand. There had been no physical or emotional affection for so long. Just Victor’s finger teasing his entrance and threatening to slide inside had him about to burst. Shawn rested his head on the bed and allowed his whole body to relax.

“Are you okay?”

Shawn nodded. Victor finally invaded Shawn’s entrance with his finger and thrust into him carefully, making Shawn grip the bedspread. “You didn’t let anyone touch you here, right? And by that I mean demons.”

“I didn’t,” Shawn mumbled. Victor added another finger and spread Shawn’s twitching entrance. “That’s enough.”

Victor leaned over Shawn, resting his hand on the mattress for support. He came into view again. “Are you sure?”

Shawn nodded. He desired Victor now. He didn’t want to wait any longer. He wanted more than Victor’s kisses; he wanted the demon to make love to him. The issue was that he couldn’t let those words out after telling Victor that he would never be taken by a demon.

With his hand on Shawn’s hip, Victor moved Shawn up until he was standing on the floor with spread legs while his torso remained on the bed. “This is such an amazing sight,” Victor said faintly.

“Don’t look,” Shawn muttered. He finally felt something big and hard being pushed into him. Victor held his chin from behind and moved Shawn’s head up, distracting Shawn from the slight burn of Victor’s cock entering him. Shawn looked at Victor yet again. “What?”

“You’re so small that I can look into your eyes while I fuck you.” Victor pressed a kiss to Shawn’s lips and began to thrust his hips back and forth. “You’re my chipmunk, right?”

Shawn arched his back once the demon’s shaft brushed against his prostate. “Yes,” he groaned out. Out of the blue, Victor began to fuck him, the demon’s hips slapping against his ass each time. What was a firm hold on Shawn’s chin turned into a gentle grip around Shawn’s neck. It was a surprise, but he didn’t dislike it. Moreover, it heightened Shawn’s desire for Victor. The demon’s love for him had been this intense since the beginning.

Victor nibbled Shawn’s neck. It was a clumsy bite since Shawn rocked on the bed every time Victor thrust his cock into his entrance. The demon’s hands slid along Shawn’s clothed torso and stopped on his hips. With clenched hands, holding Shawn in place, Victor gave a hard pound.

“Victor,” Shawn moaned out. Victor’s shaft went deeper, and the demon continued to give hard thrusts. Each time Victor almost pulled out, and each time the head of his cock reached Shawn’s prostate. Shawn gripped the bedspread tighter when Victor suddenly shifted into making love to him with slower strokes. He didn’t know which one to choose. Victor had made him experience loving and rough sex within a few minutes. Shawn desired both.

Victor pulled out and flipped Shawn over on his back. “I’m almost at my limit. Are you?”

Shawn nodded, gazing up at Victor. The demon’s strong torso created a protective wall that made Shawn spread his bent legs further. His lower back was off of the bed, so Victor had complete control over him. Shawn turned his eyes down and watched as the demon guided his cock back into his entrance. Victor let out a lustful sigh, making a violent shiver run down Shawn’s spine. He loved how he affected the demon this much.

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