Fiona's Two Masters (MFM)

Prometheus in Chains 3

Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

Heat Rating: Sextreme
Word Count: 23,537
4 Ratings (4.0)

[Ménage Amour: Erotic Consensual BDSM Ménage a Trois Romance, M/F/M, public exhibition, figging, sex toys, HEA]

Fiona Stuart is running from her violent ex-boyfriend. When she stopped to visit her best friend she never expected to find love with Masters Alexander and Ruari Scott in a BDSM club.

Fiona's ex is determined to make her regret leaving him. He stalks her and attacks her but is thwarted in his first attempt to get her back by her two Doms. He tries again but he falls into a trap before he can harm her and is dealt some of his own medicine.

Fiona loves Alexander and Ruari but has not said it. She does not know if they can love her with her mental and physical scars, so she must face losing them. They have other ideas which will lead to a happily ever after.

Note: There is no sexual relationship or touching for titillation between or among siblings.

A Siren Erotic Romance

Fiona's Two Masters (MFM)
4 Ratings (4.0)

Fiona's Two Masters (MFM)

Prometheus in Chains 3

Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

Heat Rating: Sextreme
Word Count: 23,537
4 Ratings (4.0)
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Cover Art by Christine Kirchoff
Amazing book with such great characters. I love this series.
Barefoot Okie
Professional Reviews

4 KISSES: "Fiona's Two Masters by Clair de Lune is third in the Prometheus in Chains series. This story can be read as a stand alone. It is connected by Club Prometheus; however characters from previous stories do make an appearance and you will have a better understanding of the back story having read previous stories in the series. Fiona is scared but determined to take back as much as she can from her abusive ex-boyfriend. She has begun by taking back her joy in a submissive scene. Masters Alex and Ruari remind her of what she loved about being a sexual submissive. It is obvious that Fiona is familiar with the lifestyle and she offers the twins something they did not even know they were looking for. She is submissive with a touch of brat and they want her for more than one night. They remind her of what a healthy BDSM relationship looks like and fall deeper under her spell. Ms. de Lune penned a story of survival. Fiona was able to move beyond the abuse she suffered. Alex and Ruari were able to find someone who could love them both. Together they were able to move forward as a unit. I found this to be an enjoyable addition to this series." -- Tangie, TwoLips Reviews

4 STARS: "Fiona is on the run from her abusive jerk wad of an ex and ends up at her friend Emma’s (who is from book 2). Emma and Fiona who are both subs go to the BDSM club, Prometheus in chains where Fiona meets twin doms. Master Alexander and Master Ruari help heal Fiona’s broken heart, body and spirit making her a girl with a very happy ever after. Each book in this series is short, under a 100 pages.I think that makes it a great one to read when you are looking for a quick series. The book flowed well and was a fast read. I will say Ms. De Lune has a writing style that is not my normal read. It’s a little more formal then what I’m use to. The book is pretty fast moving and events take place within a very short period of time. All in all a good 4 star book. Make sure you check out the entire series!" -- Amy, Love Books! Book Reviews

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Fiona watched them as they approached. They were a magnificent pair. They were identical twins with short, dark hair and black brows that almost met in the middle. Their eyes were deep blue and framed by long dark lashes. They had strong jaws and wide, full-lipped mouths. Their hawklike noses made them striking rather than handsome. They were lean, muscular, and tanned, and at six six, they were tall and towered over most people. They wore kilts in the Scott tartan with leather jerkins. Their white linen shirts had long sleeves rolled up to reveal muscular arms covered in black, curly hair. Their faces and arms were well tanned. She assumed it was from their outdoor life.

She saw their approach and should have felt apprehensive, but for some reason she didn’t. She knew who they were. Emma had told her they were Master Angus’s twin nephews. Master Angus Scott had collared Emma’s grandma, Jane. They had met when Jane had gone with Jenny to try out BDSM, after the death of her husband. Master Angus had been smitten by Jane at once. It had taken him a while to woo Jane, but now their attachment was permanent, and they were soon to be married.

Fiona was used to seeing men in kilts. She, unlike the others in the club, knew that it was usual to wear nothing at all in the way of underwear with a kilt. The two men coming toward her were certainly well-worth looking at. She smiled and licked her lips. Her own reaction to these two men surprised her. She didn’t trust men now. She had trusted Gordon to begin with. He’d been charming, and had swept her off her feet. She had been young and naïve, flattered that he took notice of her. Once he had her living with him, he had changed. He had become cruel and violent. On many occasions, she had screwed up her courage to leave him. He seemed to sense when he had gone too far, then, for a while, he would be the old charming Gordon. He would be all apologies and promises not to hurt her again. He blamed the drink, but never made any effort to consume less. She had been weak and bloody stupid, but she would not fall into that trap again. In a prestigious club like this one, she could feel safe. The rules were strict, but they were enforced. She noticed the armbands of dungeon monitors on several large Doms. She had always loved BDSM, since she had first gone to a club with a friend, for a dare. That was where she had met Gordon. She loved the release she got in a scene. She loved the peace she found, and the escape from her troubles when in subspace.


* * * *


All the subs fell to their knees as they approached. Ruari noticed that she did it as an automatic reaction, so she was familiar with the protocol. This was getting better and better.

He said to Jenny, “Who is your friend?”

“Her name is Fiona, Sir.”

“Fiona, come with us!” Ruari was not going to be denied, and was pleased that she got up gracefully, and, when each took hold of one of her hands, she let them lead her to a secluded alcove partly sheltered from the rest of the club by a black Japanese screen decorated with Oriental birds and flowers.

The Doms sat on the large leather sofa and provided her with a cushion on which to kneel in front of them.

“Look at me, Fiona. Our names are Master Ruari and Master Alexander. Where do you come from?” asked Ruari. Most of the time Alexander would take the lead, but sometimes he enjoyed letting Ruari do the groundwork while he observed, and that seemed to be the case tonight. She looked scared when he asked where she came from and he wondered why that should be a source of fear. It was a simple enough question surely.

“I come originally from Peterhead, Sir.” He noticed she had a Scottish accent.

“Where do you live now?”

“Nowhere at the moment. I am just visiting Emma on my way south, Sir.”

“Any particular reason for going even farther south?”

As far as the twins were concerned, Sheffield was the deep south. They had no wish to go farther into Sassenach territory, and, perish the thought, down as far as London. They were only here because their uncle lived here, and once the wedding was over they were off back north. Angus, their uncle, was to marry his collared sub, Jane, very shortly. The wedding was in the planning stage. For the twins, it could not take place soon enough. They wanted to go back home, but they were close to their uncle, and would not miss his wedding for the world. Angus had known tragedy in his life, having lost his first wife to illness. He had always said that he would never marry again, so they had been surprised to hear about Jane, but delighted to know he had found someone with whom he could be happy.




“What punishment?” she gasped out.

When he waited and looked at her, she hurriedly added, “Master.”

“I told you to wait until we had spoken with Master Eric. Had you waited and not chosen to go out alone, nothing would have happened to you. Gordon would not have attacked while you were with us. That is disobedience and has earned you a spanking when you are well enough to receive it, so don’t make it worse than it need be.”

She let them in then, not wishing to earn more smacks. She only hoped it would be with their hands over their knees, and her cunt clenched in anticipation. They’d continued to shave her pussy every couple of days, and although they had caressed and fondled her, neither of them had made any move to fuck her. She wasn’t happy when they told her that, until the doctor saw her and pronounced her out of danger of internal damage or concussion, that was the way it would be. She fretted, fumed, and rubbed up against them at every available opportunity until she heard from his stern voice that Master Alexander had had enough. “It’s bad enough we are both ready to explode with frustration at not being able to fuck you, but now you have to make it worse by rubbing up against us. And mark my words, little pet, you will not enjoy the spanking you get if you do not behave yourself,” he said.

She hadn’t thought about it from their point of view. She was frustrated, but so were they. They were doing it all for her, and she ought not to tease them, so a chastened little subbie said, “I’m so sorry, Masters. I didn’t think. I will be good and won’t make you even more frustrated. Can’t I suck your cocks to relieve some of the tension?”

She saw that they were pleased with her suggestion. She slowly unzipped both pairs of jeans, all the while looking them in the eyes, but when she then pulled down their tight, white, knitted boxers, carefully extracting both huge, hard cocks, her eyes were riveted where her hands played. Taking Master Alexander’s cock in her hand, she pumped up and down the shaft while she lashed her tongue over the head and dipped it daintily into the slit of his brother’s. Then she changed over and pumped Master Ruari’s cock with her hand while licking and dipping her tongue into Master Alexander’s.

“Oh yes, lick me. Suck my cock with your hot little mouth,” he said.

She could feel their tension, so she licked up the side of their cocks and nipped on the large veins that pulsed there, loving their growls of appreciation. With a cock held firmly in either hand, she pumped up and down, alternating between the two with her tongue, relishing the two distinct tastes of her men. She hummed and sighed as she concentrated on sucking Master Alexander’s cock into her mouth. She swirled her tongue around the head, nipping at the back of the head where he was most sensitive. She saw Master Ruari pumping his hand up and down his own swollen shaft, as he watched her pleasure his brother, waiting his turn.

She lashed her tongue over the head of Master Alexander’s cock, lapping at the slit and tasting his pre-cum. “Your tongue in my slit is wonderful. Keep licking me there. I love it,” Master Alexander said.

She began stabbing her tongue in and out his slit and when she felt, from the bucking of his slim hips, that he was unable to stop himself pumping in and out of her mouth. She knew he was nearing his orgasm. She redoubled her efforts, sucking Master Alexander as he approached completion.

He gripped her head, holding her tightly to him, growling.

“Yes. Your hot little mouth on my cock is going to make me come in your mouth. Swallow all my cream, little subbie.”

She swallowed the scalding-hot semen and licked his softening cock clean. It was Master Ruari’s turn next. She released Master Alexander’s cock and took his brother’s into her mouth, dipping her tongue into the slit, in the little stabbing motions that seemed to drive him wild, before finally sucking as hard as she could.

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