The More Desire, Oklahoma Collection, Vol 2 (MF)

More Desire, Oklahoma

Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

Heat Rating: Sextreme
Word Count: 91,698
1 Ratings (3.0)

[Siren Everlasting Classic: Erotic Romance, Consensual BDSM, Contemporary, Sex Toys, MF, HEA]

Blade's Desire: Adoring Kelly

Kelly Royal has learned the pleasure of submitting under her husband’s gentle, but firm, hand, but Blade’s interest in dominating her seems to be gone forever. Going into labor a month early scared the hell out of her, and despite Blade’s efforts, he couldn’t hide his own fear—especially when things go terribly wrong.

Unable to forget the image of her pale and unmoving form in the hospital bed, Blade can’t even imagine taking her back into his playroom, and as soon as he brings her home from the hospital, he empties the room, vowing to never dominate her again. His fragile wife has been through enough, and he can’t imagine taking her the way he did before.

Kelly, though, has other plans. She wants her husband back, and frustrated that he thwarts her attempts to take her the way he did before, she takes matters into her own hands.

Dark Desire: Earning Hope's Submission

Hope Tyler had married the man of her dreams--the stern-faced sheriff of Desire, Oklahoma. She loved him, and his dark desires, but feared that surrendering herself completely to him would lead to him becoming bored with her, so she challenged him at every opportunity.

Ace Tyler understood his wife’s fears, probably better than she did. He’d discovered her need to submit completely, but understood her reluctance to do so, but knew, deep down, that neither one of them would be completely happy until they each gave in to their own needs.

Her demands, and an ultimatum that sent him reeling, handed him the perfect opportunity to set his plans to earn a deeper submission from her in motion.

Dominant in ways he never had with her before, he led her deeper into the world of erotic pleasure, and to a closeness that each of them desperately needed.

Leah Brooke is a Siren-exclusive author.

The More Desire, Oklahoma Collection, Vol 2 (MF)
1 Ratings (3.0)

The More Desire, Oklahoma Collection, Vol 2 (MF)

More Desire, Oklahoma

Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

Heat Rating: Sextreme
Word Count: 91,698
1 Ratings (3.0)
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Cover Art by Siren Publishing

Blade's Desire: Adoring Kelly


Blade forced a smile to hide his horror. “Because I want to hold you, and it’ll be faster.” Every minute seemed to last an eternity. Murmuring to Kelly, he tried to keep the terror out of his voice as he waited, while at the same time holding her gaze.

He knew what he had to do to calm her, but it had never been as difficult as now.

He’d wrapped her in the blanket, hoping she didn’t see the blood, but could even now feel it soaking the front of his trousers.

She looked pale—too pale. Her eyes glimmered with pain and fear, her hand moving almost continuously over her swollen abdomen.

God, he loved her. If anything happened to her

The sound of the siren piercing the night sky had to be the most wonderful sound he’d ever heard.

She was too damned pale!

Her grip on him didn’t seem as strong as before, her small, pale hands almost lifeless in his. The fear and love in her eyes ripped at his heart, the trust in them giving him the strength he needed to push back the mind-numbing terror.

Forcing a smile, he touched his lips to hers, tightening his hold as if that would keep her from slipping away. “The ambulance is here. Just calm down. The doctor’s going to meet us at the hospital, and everything’s going to be fine, baby.”

Lifting her as gently as possible, he fought the urge to run outside, knowing that scaring her would only make things worse. As he’d expected, the ambulance attendants rushed toward him, along with Rafe Delgatto, one of the town deputies in Desire.

Rafe stopped abruptly, his eyes widening in horror when he saw the blanket wrapped around Kelly. Before he could say anything, Blade shook his head in a barely perceptible movement, glancing meaningfully to where Kelly rested her head against his shoulder with her eyes closed.

Rafe nodded, his expression softening when Kelly turned toward him. “I heard the call on the radio and rushed right over.” He touched Kelly’s arm, smiling when she lifted her head. “Hi, honey. Looks like you’re ready to have this baby. You feeling okay?”

Shaking, Kelly lifted her head and gave Rafe a tremulous smile. “I’m fine. My water broke, so I guess this is it.”

Rafe inclined his head, walking with them toward the waiting stretcher. “I think I’ll follow you in. There’ll be a lot of excitement in town when everyone finds out.”

Blade lowered his wife to the stretcher, smiling to hide his fear. “Let’s go have a baby.”

As the paramedics lifted her into the ambulance and began taking her vital signs, Blade turned his head, never taking his eyes from his beloved wife. “Rafe, can you give Jesse a call. Kelly’s gonna want her there.”

Rafe touched his shoulder, squeezing in support. “Of course. I’ll call Royce and King, too, and tell them what’s going on. She’s gonna be fine, Blade.”

“Yeah.” Blade stepped up into the ambulance, rushing to Kelly’s side, but he wasn’t fast enough.

Kelly saw the blood.

Her face lost what little color she’d had, her eyes wild with terror. “Oh my God! Blade!”

Her cry ripped at him, and with a curse, he covered her again.

Tuning out the conversation between the paramedics, Blade leaned over his wife, taking her face in his hands. “I love you, Kelly. Please calm down. I’m here. Everything will be fine.”

“Oh, Blade. It’s happening again.”

Blade bent low, brushing her lips with his. “Calm down. You know how to do that. Breathe for me. Just focus on me and breathe. You’re going to be fine.”

“Blade, I’m so sorry.”

Blade gripped her hand, his stomach knotted so tightly, he couldn’t breathe. “Sorry for what, baby?”

“I wanted so much to give you the son you wanted.”

Bringing her hand to his lips, he forced a smile. “You’re going to give him to me now. You just relax and breathe. We’ll get to the hospital soon, and everything’s going to be fine.”

Gripping her chin, he purposely hardened his tone. “Have I ever lied to you, Kelly? Now, you do what I say and relax, or there’ll be hell to pay when I get you back home.”

To his relief, Kelly smiled. “You don’t scare me anymore, tough guy.” Her sob ripped through him. “I love you, Blade. If anything happens to me, I want you to know that you’re everything to me.”

“I love you, too, baby. You’re my entire world. I promise, everything will be fine.”

It had to be.

Holding her hand, he prayed like never before as they raced to the hospital, promising himself that no matter what happened, he’d never put her through this again.




With a nonchalance that made his dominance over her even more pronounced, he circled the opening of her pussy with a firm finger, his gaze holding hers. “I’m delighted with your confidence, and think it’s sexy as hell, but don’t think for one minute that I won’t demand submission from you.”

Despite the hunger clawing at her, Kelly couldn’t hold back a smile. A moan escaped when his finger plunged into her, a moan she swallowed almost immediately.

“Careful, love.” Blade’s voice held a hint of warning that made her pussy clench on his finger. “You’ve been pushing me for days. Did you think I would let you get away with that forever?”

Bending low, he brushed his lips over her mound, his eyes steady on hers as he moved his finger inside her pussy, pressing at a spot that he knew drove her wild. “You’re my most valuable possession, love.”

Smiling at her gasp, he raised a brow. “Indignant, are you? Well, too bad. You knew what you were getting into when you married me, and you’ve been pushing my limits to see how far you could go. This body is mine, and I’m taking care of it the way I see fit. You really have no say in it at all, so you’d better start behaving yourself.”

He tapped her clit, his eyes narrowing when she jolted and gasped. “Keep absolutely still. No squirming. No jolting. Brace yourself, Kelly. I want to enjoy you and I don’t want you moving around while I do it.”

Knowing how good her husband was with that decadent mouth, Kelly sucked in another breath and nodded, squeezing her eyes closed as he lowered his head.

Blade moved his finger again, his slow strokes pressing against her inner walls. “Not a sound, and you stay exactly like this.”

Her pussy clamped down on his finger, her clit throbbing at the feel of his warm breath caressing it.

Something about Blade seemed different, but with desire clouding her thoughts, she couldn’t focus enough to figure out what.

Holding her breath, she waited, knowing just how potent and wicked her devious husband could be, but even after all the time she’d been married to him, she wasn’t prepared for the intensity of his lips closing over her clit, nor for the strong tug as he sucked her clit hard.

Too aroused to hold back, she cried out at the sharp sensation, the tingling heat so extreme, she pushed her heels against the mattress to jerk away, groaning in frustration at the loss of contact.

Rushing to pull her knees back up again, she squeezed her eyes closed, her breath coming out in hoarse whimpers.

Hanging on the edge, Kelly fought the warning tingles, so close to coming that she wanted to scream. Frustrated that Blade let her get away, she waited with breathless anticipation for him to pull her back and put his mouth on her again.

And waited.

Trembling as the tingling grew stronger, the pleasure holding her on the razor sharp edge, Kelly whimpered in agony and looked down to see him braced on an elbow and watching her.

Gritting her teeth, she spread her thighs wider. “Please!”

Blade’s cold smile sent a chill through her, one that did nothing to cool the heat raging through her. “It seems you’ve forgotten quite a bit, love. Or, did you think that I was going to be more lenient with you now?”

Stunned, Kelly could only stare at him as he rose from the bed to stand beside her.

She knew this Blade, and yet she didn’t.

The Master she knew well lay somewhere behind Blade’s dark, glittering eyes—the doting and overprotective husband apparent in the slight smile that played at his lips.

There was something, though, different about both of them—something she couldn’t quite put her finger on—but that she wanted with every fiber of her being.

“Blade!” She couldn’t stay silent, but she kept her voice at a whisper. “Please.” Releasing her grip, she reached for him and started to rise. “I want—”

His smile fell, his expression hardening. “Did I tell you that you could move?”

Kelly stilled, searching his features, an erotic chill going through her at his warning beneath the deliberately casual question. “Um, no.” She rolled to her back again, her face burning when Blade looked pointedly at her legs and back to her again, a dark brow going up.

Swallowing heavily, Kelly spread her knees and slowly lifted them to her chest, using her hands against the bottom of her inner thighs to keep them there. Taking a shuddering breath at the sharp awareness as Blade’s heated gaze lingered on her slit, Kelly bit her lip to hold back another moan.

Blade moved to her side again and towered over her, running his hand up and down her shin, his expression hard and much colder. “You were told not to move, and you moved. You were told not to speak, and you spoke. You’re obviously not as ready for this as you claimed.”

She’d underestimated him.

It struck her suddenly how tender he’d been over the last year.

She’d almost forgotten the thrill that went through her when he looked at her with that gleam in his eyes.

Blade tapped her clit, his eyes narrowing when she stiffened and gasped. “Very good.”

The mattress dipped as he knelt on it again and positioned himself between her thighs. “It appears you think I’ve gone soft.”

Her gaze went to his cock, her mouth going dry even as her pussy leaked more moisture.

Blade smiled faintly. “No, not there. I’m always hard for you.” Gripping the backs of her knees, he nodded toward the headboard. “Hold on to the headboard and don’t let go.”

Positioning his cock at her pussy entrance, he raised a brow. “Because you disobeyed me, you won’t be coming tonight.”


Dark Desire: Earning Hope's Submission


Hope stiffened and pushed away from him, getting up from his lap and putting several feet of distance between them. “You’re rich, Ace. You own Tyler Oil with your brothers. You could work with them.”

Raising a brow at the whine in her tone, he rose and started out of the room. “If I had to work there, I’d go out of my mind.”

Following him down the hall to the kitchen, she tugged at his forearm. “Then don’t work at all! You don’t need to.”

Keeping a tight rein on his temper, he shrugged her off and reached into the refrigerator for the pitcher of sweet tea. “Not working at all would make me even crazier.”

“I can’t stand it anymore, Ace! I want you to quit.”

After filling her glass and his, he set the pitcher on the table and slowly turned to her, raising a brow. “Excuse me? Quit what, exactly?”

Hope swallowed heavily and set the plate of fried chicken on the table, taking a deep breath before lifting her chin. “I want you to quit your job as sheriff.”

“No.” He went to the refrigerator, retrieved the coleslaw, and took it to the table before looking at her again.

Hope spun, slamming the bowl of mashed potatoes on the table. “No? Just like that?”

Ace inclined his head, keeping his tone calm and controlled. “No. Just like that.”

“You won’t even discuss it?”

“We just did. You knew what I did when you married me, Hope.”

“You never got shot at before!”

He waited until she dropped into her seat before lowering himself to his. “You’re so naïve, baby. Of course I’ve been shot at before. I’ve even been shot before. It’s part of the job.”

Hope’s eyes went wide. “Well, I never knew about it, and I’m not naïve. I thought the most dangerous thing you ever did was breaking up bar fights. You handle the Dominants from the club, give out tickets, and help round up horses that have escaped.”

After setting a piece of chicken on her plate, he set one on his. “Did you ever ask about my job?”

Lowering her gaze, she shifted restless in her seat, her face flushing. “Well, no.”

“Of course not. You were more interested in making sure that I accepted you as a submissive than learning more about me. I knew you were too young, but your innocence intrigued me, and I found you too irresistible.”

Raising a brow when she gasped, he let his gaze linger on her flushed cheeks before continuing. “You were raised by a mother and three very overprotective fathers who tried to shield you and your sister from the ugly side of life.”

“Like you do?”

Ace shrugged. “It’s only natural for a man to try to protect his woman, but I’ve never lied to you. I knew who you were when I married you. I knew that you were exactly what I wanted. I love you, but I won’t quit my job, not even for you.”

Jumping to her feet, Hope stamped her foot. “Damn it, Ace!”

Ace had had enough. Pausing in the process of scooping mashed potatoes onto his plate, he clenched his jaw. “Stamp your foot at me again, and I’ll put you across my knee.”

Her eyes flared with desire, the passions inside her too strong to contain. “That’s your answer? Sex?”

Confident in his ability to handle his wife’s passions—including her temper—Ace raised a brow. “Who said anything about sex? You’re acting like a brat and obviously need to be spanked.”

Hope gasped, her eyes going wide. “A brat?”

Ace reached for the coleslaw. “A brat. You’re demanding that I quit a job I’ve had most of my adult life—a job that I love. A job that I had when you married me.”

Hope sighed. “I worry.”

Ace inclined his head. “I know that, and I do everything I can to make things easier for you.”

“Sometimes it’s not enough.”

Knowing this was an issue that couldn’t be resolved, Ace dug into his dinner. “People die in car accidents every day. Do you want me to stop driving, too? You drive like a maniac just to get my attention—an unnecessary danger that scares me but that you do on a whim.”

Hope’s face flushed again. “I won’t do it again.”

Ace nodded once, pleased that he’d made his point. “Good.”

She dropped into her seat again with a sigh. “I don’t know if I can live this way anymore.”

Fear turned his stomach to ice, and setting his silverware aside, he kept his tone low and cold. “Is that an ultimatum?”

Losing her wasn’t an option, but he couldn’t allow his wife to deliver ultimatums and expect to get away with it.

Lifting her chin, she met his gaze squarely, her bottom lip trembling. “What if it is?”

“You know that I don’t respond well to ultimatums.”

With her chin still lifted, Hope wrapped her arms around herself, the combination of defiance and defensiveness a testament to the contrary woman herself. “What if I said that I would leave you if you don’t quit?”

Sitting back, he smiled coldly. “Then I would give you the spanking you so richly deserve and tell you that you’re not going anywhere. Are you sure this is the tack you wanna take?”




“I need to come.”

“Already? You must be joking. What the hell have you done to deserve to come?”

The sharp sting of the leather-tipped crop on her bottom made her clench involuntarily, intensifying the heat in her ass.

Kicking her legs, she pulled against the cuffs at her wrists. “I made you come.”

Her clit heated, making it swell even more, the sensation overwhelming.

Another sharp strike on her other cheek had her wiggling frantically, her cries becoming frantic.

“That’s your job, sub. You don’t get to come until you deserve it—and you have a hell of a lot to make up for.”

Hope struggled to remain still while Ace delivered several more lighter strikes of the leather-tipped crop all over her bottom, heating her entire ass and making her involuntarily clench on the ginger.

She couldn’t stop squirming, the tugs to her nipples and increased heat on her clit adding to her torment.

He alternated between light strikes and more intense ones, also switching from her bottom to her upper thighs, heating the entire area and making her ass and pussy clench incessantly with the need to be filled.

Not until he stopped did she realize that she’d been crying out and whimpering, the need and sensations so intense that tears soaked her blindfold. “Please, Ace! I’ll do anything.”

He ran a hand down the hot cheeks of her bottom, his firm, callused hands spreading the heat even more. “I know you will.”

Feeling his hands on her ankle, she felt him cuff one ankle and then the other to a spreader bar.

Hopeful that he would take her now, she bit her lip, shaking with anticipation.

Frowning when he unfastened her wrists, she struggled for balance, but he caught her easily, hoisting her over his shoulder again.

Disappointed that he was taking her to bed instead of fucking her in the playroom, Hope clung to his shirt. “Ace?”

He slapped her already hot ass, making it even hotter. “Quiet.”

She clenched again, sucking in a breath when the ginger released even more heat. She didn’t dare remove the blindfold without permission, even when he continued past the bedroom.

He bent again, setting her on her feet and holding on to her until she steadied herself.

He removed her blindfold, staring down at her, his eyes unreadable. “Do the dishes.”

Hope gulped, surprised that he’d stood her in front of the sink in her current condition.

The warning look in his eyes as he reached out to tug at the weight attached to her nipple kept her silent.

Because her husband didn’t speak unless he had something to say, both remained quiet while he cleared the table and set all of the dirty dishes within her reach.

Conscious of the fact that, when he finished, he retrieved another beer from the refrigerator and sat back at the table behind her, she became even more conscious of her spread legs and red ass with a ginger root sticking out of it on display.

She also knew that if she allowed the ginger root to fall, Ace would punish her for it.

With her legs spread with the spreader bar, she had to keep clenching to make sure it didn’t come out.

Of course, each time she clenched, it released more of its heat.

“We should do this more often. Nice view to take in while I enjoy my beer.”

Need clawed at her, the calm confidence in her husband’s tone sharpening her arousal even more.

The scrape of his chair leg had her turning to look over her shoulder in time to see him leave the room.

Not knowing how long he would be gone, she hurriedly finished the dishes, each movement creating an answering tug to her nipples and burning in her ass.

Tears stung her eyes, the burn becoming almost unbearable.

Minutes later, he appeared behind her again, removing the ginger and the clamps on her nipples and tossing the ginger into the trash. “I’ll bet that ass could use a little cooling, huh, sub?”

She almost came at the thought of him shoving a butt plug, coated with cool lube, into her. “Yes, please.”

“Please, what?”

“Please, Master.” Hope shivered at the ice in his tone, and at the demand that she call him Master, something he hadn’t done in a long time.

“Starting to remember who’s in charge?”

Hope gulped. “Yes, Master.”

“Good.” With a thickly muscled forearm wrapped around her waist, he carried her to the kitchen table and bent her over it, positioning a pillow he’d retrieved beneath her hips.

He pushed his chair closer to the table between her legs, his own legs pushing the spreader bar forward, not allowing her to straighten her legs at all.

“I know you want something hard and thick in this tight ass, but you’re not getting it.”

Sucking in a breath at the thought of being left in such torment, Hope whimpered, alarmed at his mood. “Please, Master.”

“No. This one will give you the relief from the heat but won’t fill you the way you need to be filled.”

Her toes curled, her bottom clenching with the need for his attention.

A whimper escaped when he parted her ass cheeks and paused, the knowledge that he stared at her puckered opening making the ache there even more intense.

Holding on to the opposite edge of the table, Hope whimpered, knowing that nothing she did or said would sway him. “Whatever you want, Master.”

“I see we’re finally coming to an understanding, sub. You need a firmer hand than I’ve been giving you, but that changes now. Before we’re done, you’re gonna respect your boundaries a hell of a lot more than you do now.”

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