Bridgett, or Biddy to her three closest friends, lay in her bed and listened with fearful baited breaths. She could hear her stepfather stumbling drunk around the house. She sent up a silent prayer that her plan would work. She turned eighteen the month before and she was trying to leave. She desperately needed to get the fuck out of her stepfather’s house. He would never willingly allow his favorite toy to leave. So Biddy had made plans to run away. She had been planning and working her ass off for nearly two years so it would work and she could finally escape the vile man.
It started when she was just sixteen. Her stepfather would come into her room at night and basically he raped her. She lost her virginity, unwillingly, to her stepfather. She told her mother what was going on but she didn’t believe Biddy. She just called her a slut and told her to shut the fuck up, right before slapping her. She told the counselors at school what was going on but her stepfather was a police officer. No one believed her and he beat her so bad afterward that she finally just shut her mouth and started planning. He had no real schedule on when he came to her room. Sometimes he was drunk. Sometimes he was sober. It didn’t matter, he would just show up and the horrors would start.
Biddy heard him walking up the stairs and clapped a hand over her mouth to muffle her sobs. She felt the tears well up in her eyes as she prayed desperately that he wouldn’t come into her room. She watched the shadows as they passed under her door and she continued to hold her breath.
As she waited, Biddy ticked off everything on her list. The car she had bought in secret with cash was waiting on the other side of the small woods that bordered their property. She had packed a lot of her personal belongings, which wasn’t much, into the car already. She had done it slowly over about a month so as not to raise suspicion. She had a small duffel bag with her toiletries, a change of clothes, and about $5,000 in cash that she had saved up from her job. She had also stolen an extra $4,000 from her parents over two years. She had taken loose dollars she found in the washer, loose change from the sofa, or any other small amount that her parents wouldn’t miss.
She had three friends that knew what went on at her house. They did everything they could to help her. She had stayed over at their houses a lot. They helped her when she got beat up. They gave her things to help with her plan to run away. They were an amazing group of friends. There were four of them total. Luke was the protector of the group. Angie was the intellectual. Marsha was the fighter and then there was Biddy. Biddy was the tortured soul and the dreamer of the group. They were also considered the outcasts of the school. Biddy didn’t care though. She loved them and she would probably never see them again. They knew she was running away, which is why they helped her plan, but none of them knew where she was going. Hell, Biddy didn’t even know where she was going. All she knew was it would be far, far away from her home town.
She gave a small hiccup of relief when she heard her stepfather and her mother fucking in the room just up the hall. It was the perfect opportunity for her to sneak out and run for her life. She grabbed her duffel bag and carried her shoes in her hands. She tiptoed to the stairs and purposefully skipped the fourth step because is squeaked. She made it to the main floor of the house and finished her plan. She raided the pantry and the fridge for some last-minute supplies. She grabbed some of her grandmother’s jewelry but it was more for sentimental reasons. She took one last look around her childhood home and felt…nothing.
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