Brittany's Destiny (MFMM)

Pleasure, Montana 4

Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

Heat Rating: Sextreme
Word Count: 53,213
30 Ratings (4.2)

[Siren Ménage Everlasting: Erotic Ménage a Quatre Romance, M/F/M/M, spanking, sex toys]

Brittany has a secret and has avoided returning home because of it. Sparks, her best friend in high school, knows why she left, but he has told no one. Brody, the man who loved her, has never gotten over her defection, and his twin, Evan, longs for her return.

Now Brittany has come home to get a new start on life. Her parents are not welcoming, and Brody is so hurt by Brittany's betrayal he won’t let her near him. Only Evan and Sparks, the two forest rangers in town, are willing to help her move into her cabin in the mountains, which is in need of much repair. Slowly, she learns how much those two men care. They convince her to confront bad boy Brody. When she tells him the truth, he runs off. What can she do to convince them that she yearns for a ménage relationship with all three men?

Note: There is no sexual relationship or touching for titillation between or among the men.

A Siren Erotic Romance


Melody Snow Monroe is a Siren-exclusive author.

Brittany's Destiny (MFMM)
30 Ratings (4.2)

Brittany's Destiny (MFMM)

Pleasure, Montana 4

Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

Heat Rating: Sextreme
Word Count: 53,213
30 Ratings (4.2)
In Wish List
Available formats
Cover Art by Les Byerley
This was one Fantastic book. I couldnt put this one down from the time I started reading it, I was hooked. Hot and steamy scenes and some really Hot muscled men to make your heart go wild. I just love this series. This is a must read.
Barefoot Okie
Great series.
Professional Reviews

4 HEARTS: "Brittany moves back home to Pleasure, Montana after seven years away. When she was seventeen she got pregnant and her parents kicked her out. Brody had a football scholarship and she didn’t want to ruin his life, so she fought with Brody and moved to California with her grandma, never telling him. Their baby was stillborn, leaving her no one to grieve with. She now has a nursing license and a job at the local clinic. She has never forgotten Brody. Knowing she is planning on staying in Pleasure she knows she has to tell Brody why she really left. When she sees Brody, Evan and Sparks, she is fiercely attracted to all three men. Brody and Evan are fraternal twins. Though they don’t look alike, there is one body part that Brittany finds out is identical in size. Brody, Evan and Sparks were all best friends in high school and still are. Brittany moved to Pleasure when she was in high school and they all immediately clicked, with her and Brody dating. Brody is still hurting from the broken heart Brittany gave him. Not knowing why she left, he set out to be a success so she would see what she was missing if she ever came back. Evan and Sparks always fantasized about having a ménage relationship with Brittany. They would like to make it all four of them, but Brody is still bitter about Brittany leaving. Sparks was always Brittany’s confidant. Now he makes her pant. Evan and Sparks start dating her and it leads to some hot and steamy sex. Both broach a ménage relationship with her, mentioning they would like a foursome someday with Brody. Even though Pleasure is known for its multiple relationships, Brittany is not sure she is ready. Both men prove to her that it is more than possible! Not just possible, but Brittany’s Destiny. Brody is a little harder to convince, especially when she tells him why she left. Brittany’s Destiny is hot, hot, hot! Especially for those cold Montana nights! The sex was steamy, heating up as each man joined in. The men were men. They knew what they wanted and went after it. The sparks were flying between Evan, Sparks and Brittany. With Brody added, it was dynamite. The only thing I didn’t like about Brittany’s Destiny-it was over too soon!" -- Beverly, Sizzling Hot Book Reviews

4.5 STARS: "When Brittany returns to Pleasure, Montana she knows she’ll have to eventually encounter Brody, her High School boyfriend who she left in a very dramatic fashion. She didn’t expect, however, to discover feelings for his brother Evan or good friend Sparks. The four were inseparable as teens, but they’re all grown up now and ready to show Brittany why Pleasure is known for its citizens ménage relationships. Brittany is slowly seduced by Evan and Sparks, but it’s Brody she can’t keep off her mind. But she knows when she reveals the true reason she left him all those years ago, Brody will never forgive her. Yet Brittany just isn’t sure that a relationship with only Evan and Sparks will be enough for her. I like my ménage stories like I like my men: bad, bold and brazen! And Brittany’s Destiny doesn’t disappoint! The great story and combustible chemistry between Brittany, Brody, Evan and Sparks makes Brittany’s Destiny one of those sweet yet sensual books that draws the reader in from page one and doesn’t let go. I like that Brittany isn’t sold immediately on this ménage relationship with the guys, even though they’re lifelong friends and she’s got a serious case of lust for the men they’ve each become. When she finally succumbs, however, there is no awkwardness between them, and the bedroom scenes feel like a natural extension of their friendship. Oh, and did I mention seriously H.O.T.? Between the MF, MFM and MMFM sexual elements, Brittany’s Destiny will give every reader something to drool over. Ms. Monroe did a fabulous job on the snappy, witty dialogue, mixing in a sad and checkered past and a few sexy ski bums. Don’t miss this first book in the Pleasure, Montana series, it’s a seriously tasty treat by a very talented author!" -- Silla Beaumont, Just Erotic Romance Reviews

4 FALLEN ANGELS: "It has been seven years since Brittany left Pleasure, Montana with a broken heart and a secret, but she has finally come home. The time has come to face her past and Brody, the man she left behind. That's much easier said than done. Brody, so hurt by her leaving, is unwilling to be in the same room as her, let alone speak to her. Brody's twin, Evan, and Brittany's best friend Sparks, however, have no problem with her. They let Brittany know in no uncertain terms that they want her in a relationship with the two of them. As much as Brittany is falling for those two men, she can't help but yearn for Brody. Will he ever forgive her for the secret she kept from him, and if so, will he agree to a m nage relationship? Best friends Sparks and Evan have been looking for one woman to complete them, but have had no success. When Brittany shows up after a seven-year absence, Evan can't believe his luck; after all, she is the one girl they both loved back in high school. The problem is she is also the girl his brother Brody loved, and the one who broke his heart. Still, Evan and Sparks aren't about to let that deter them from pursuing Brittany, and should Brody forgive her and open himself to love again? Well, there's always room for three, right? Melody Snow Monroe knows what is sexy and that is a perfect way to describe Brittany's Destiny. While this book was filled with some seriously smoking hot lovin', it also had unique characters who shared excellent chemistry. Brittany was a very likeable heroine and I had great admiration for her. She knew what she wanted and was unafraid to face her past to make it happen. Sparks and Evan were a couple prime specimens of men, but there was more to them than just sex appeal. They were sweet and supportive of Brittany and for that I adored them. Brittany was an obscenely lucky girl. Brody, however, was a tad too mercurial to come across as loveable. His constantly changing mind and swinging emotions lead me to believe that Brittany definitely had her work cut out for her. Good thing Sparks and Evan are there for support. That being said, Brittany's Destiny is one hot little number that is certain to provide entertainment and enjoyment to all who read it." -- Tara, Fallen Angel Reviews

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Brody unsnapped the sides of his pants. The cleverly designed bottoms came off in a flash. No surprise, he was naked underneath. And what a fine cock it was. Now all three men sported huge hard-ons. Wow. Where should she begin?

Brody pulled her on top of him, and her tits met hard muscle. “We all want to love you, but it will take some doing. Do you think you can straddle me?”

“If you let me put the condom on you, I can.” She ran a hand down his chest. Besides his incredibly handsome face, perhaps she liked his chest the best.

He groaned. “Be fast about it.”

She had no intention of obeying. Sparks handed her a foil wrapper. Using her teeth, she tore off the top and pulled out the condom. As slowly as she could, she rolled the condom down halfway, stopped, rubbed his cock underneath, then finished the job.

“If you’d taken much longer, babe, you might have had a mess on your hands.”

She giggled, loving how sensitive his cock was to her touch. “You ready for me to sit on you?”

“Oh, yeah.”

She straddled him and decided she wanted to play first. Leaning forward, she kissed him slowly and thoroughly while she rubbed her pussy over his cock.

He grabbed her hips and pressed them downward. “I want to fuck you so bad.”

She loved when he talked dirty. Lifting her hips, she grabbed his cock and dragged it over her opening. Even with her own hand doing the movement, her pussy got wet from the friction. While she wanted to torture all of the men, she was too needy to stall for long.

She opened her legs wide and slid down on him. Her pussy walls contracted.

“Oh, God, but you’re tight.”

While she’d made love with Brody two days ago, she swore his cock had grown larger. She eased her hips upward, intent on sliding back down, when Brody took her hips and drove up into her. Her eyes widened.

“That’s not fair. I get to control the speed.” For once, she wanted to be in charge.

“Okay, but only for a bit.”

She delighted in slowly easing down on his cock, then pulling back up until his cock was at her entrance. She’d dip a bit before returning to the top.

“I can’t stand it.” Brody’s mouth opened and he bit his bottom lip.

She, too, was close to the end. In one swift movement, she took the plunge. His huge cock filled her. She stilled while she tried to catch her breath.

The bed dipped behind her. “Gotta give the rest of us a chance, hon.”

She thought that when Brody climaxed, maybe Evan would take his turn. Wrong. He wanted to come in her ass. Shivers of delight raced down her spine. The idea of taking two at a time nearly sent her over the edge.

“How do you want me?” She’d have to trust Evan on this one.

“Bend over real far, hon, so I can reach your sweet ass.”

Brody helped by pulling her close and kissing her. She was distracted when Evan plunged two fingers into her behind. This time she knew to relax her butt. This same time she enjoyed the tingling that shot through her. His finger stroked her, evoking carnal lust to slam through her. Just as she thought that was all he was going to do, he removed his fingers and pressed his cock up against her hole.

Brody grabbed hold of her hips and pushed up with his. “Hold real still, babe. I’m going to drive into you just as soon as Evan is in all the way. Then you’ll know what real love is.”

Just as she focused on Evan, Brody threaded his fingers between them and touched her clit. Her pussy gushed and sparks shot through her.

Sparks climbed on the bed and knelt next to her. He slipped his fingers between her and Brody and rubbed her already-swollen nipples. Between Brody’s sweet kisses, his clit-playing activity, and Sparks’s divine pressure, her body was distracted enough for Evan to slowly enter her. Brody pressed his hips higher just as Evan dove in.

She lifted her head. “I can’t.”

They all stopped.

Evan squeezed her ass. “Did I hurt you?”

“No. It’s just that I’m too full.”

“Relax and love it. We want to fill you up with our love.”

When he put it that way, she decided they knew what they were doing. She was going to enjoy every plunge and dip they wanted to give her. She nodded and the three of them went back to their loving ways. Evan ran his hands up and down her back. When he leaned over to nibble on her neck, his cock drove deeper into her. Her breath caught, but she forced herself to embrace the feeling of fullness.

Brody picked up the rhythm. Every time he shifted his weight, he’d hit a different part of her pussy. Her whole body thrummed and sang with each thrust.

Sparks turned her head toward him and presented her with his cock. She licked the tip and he moaned. She leaned a little to the side to draw him in, and the movement intensified the thrusting.

He scooted closer, and she was able to bring him fully into her mouth. He began to move in and out in the same rhythm as Brody and Evan. She pushed back with her hips to take in more of Evan’s throbbing cock.

“Hold still.” Evan gripped her thighs and pumped into her ass. When he withdrew a bit, Brody would lift and fill her more than she could imagine.

“I love your pussy,” Brody groaned.

And her pussy loved him right back. Sparks had one hand on her breasts and the other on the back of her head. All three were grunting and moaning along with her.

The movements made her lose all sense of reality. Her moans turned into a near scream as a tidal wave of ecstasy washed over her.

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