The Lusty, Texas Collection, Volume 5 (MFM)

The Lusty, Texas Collection

Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

Heat Rating: Sextreme
Word Count: 157,228
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[Siren Menage Everlasting: Erotic Romance, Cowboys/Western, Historical, Contemporary, Menage a Trois, MFM, HEA]

Love Under Two Cowboys

Carrie Rhodes doesn’t plan to fall for Chase and Brian Benedict. The past has taught her she’s better off alone. But once her heart opens to these two cowboys, she yearns to live her own happy-ever-after.

Chase and Brian demand that Carrie shares her soul before they share her body. Surrounded by the loving families of her new coworkers and friends, Carrie dares to do as they ask, and reach for her very own happy-ever-after. But a monster from her past threatens that happiness, and it’s up to the entire town of Lusty, led by her two cowboys, to keep her safe.

Julián Alvarez makes his way to Lusty, seeking to make amends with his estranged brother and find his place in the world. Even as he agrees to help Brian and Chase with their ranch, he wonders why fate keeps drawing him down the road, toward a city called Divine, Texas.

A Very Lusty Christmas

Lieutenant Kate Wesley couldn’t believe the audacity of the two pursuit pilots! Bad enough Gerald Benedict grabbed her into a steamy, delicious kiss, but his brother Patrick did the same thing! They let her go, promising to see her soon. Kate knows that will never happen. There is no room for romance between a lieutenant and a major, or two, in 1942.

Yet before she knows it, Kate is promoted and sent to a small town in Texas to be the nurse-administrator for a convalescent home. She soon learns a formidable family matriarch by the name of Sarah Carmichael Benedict is behind this move—and those two pilots she thought never to see again are determined to woo her.

With the future tenuous at best, will Kate risk everything for love? And will her men find the root of the malfunctions that have been plaguing the airfield, before becoming victims of foul play themselves?

Cara Covington is a Siren-exclusive author.

The Lusty, Texas Collection, Volume 5 (MFM)
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The Lusty, Texas Collection, Volume 5 (MFM)

The Lusty, Texas Collection

Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

Heat Rating: Sextreme
Word Count: 157,228
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Cover Art by Siren Publishing

More From The Lusty, Texas Collection


Love Under Two Cowboys


Carrie looked again at her section and blinked. With a bit of a shock, she realized that she recognized every single person sitting there.

So not like the life I used to lead in Dallas.

No, life in Lusty wasn’t anything like life in Dallas—or anywhere else for that matter—at all. For one thing, everyone there was likely aware not only that Ginny was on her honeymoon, but that Kelsey’s last new hire hadn’t worked out. Folks here wouldn’t get irate about experiencing any delays in service. They’d just wait.

Maybe it was time for Carrie to fully accept she wasn’t in the big city anymore. Maybe it was time for her to become less like the woman she’d been there, the woman she’d become after…well, just after.

Maybe it was time for her to become the woman she truly longed to be.

Carrie knew exactly where to start with this new attitude toward life, too.

Moving in a pattern that would take her last where she wanted to be the most, Carrie began greeting customers, taking orders, and chatting. Everyone seemed to want to say something good about the Commitment Ceremony on Saturday. Carrie listened, and agreed, and understood that Ginny really had become a part of the fabric of this town in less than a year.

Lusty, apparently, had a communal heart as big as all of Texas.

She looked up once and saw Michelle sending her eye signals. Clearly her friend thought she hadn’t noticed the brothers Benedict, sitting at a table in the back of the dining room.

She had, of course. So she simply smiled at Michelle, and carried on.

Finally, she got to the table that had been her primary goal. She’d never been one to flirt, and she didn’t have any real idea whatsoever how to draw the attention of a man—or two—that she liked.

She kept her fingers crossed that these two hunks in denim would stay true to form today as they had most days they stopped in.

“Good afternoon, gentlemen. My name is Carrie and I’ll be your server today.” She laughed when they chuckled. Huh, I guess I do know how to flirt after all.

“Did y’all have a chance to look at the menu and decide on what you’d like for lunch?”

“Hello there, sugar.” Chase Benedict’s deep voice brushed against her skin like high-quality velvet. “May I say I’m delightfully surprised to find you in the dining room instead of the kitchen today?”

Nope, they weren’t going to disappoint her. She responded with her usual cheek, and she realized her exchanges with these men had always been flirtatious—just in a form of flirting that appeared to be unique to them. “Reckon you may, since you already did say it.” And then, not her usual response, she smiled.

Both men inhaled sharply. Totally unexpectedly, the air around them suddenly felt supercharged, as if the attraction she felt toward them and that they obviously returned somehow condensed in the atmosphere.

“I’m partial to the pulled pork sandwich,” Chase said, his gaze locked on hers. “Salad with ranch dressing instead of French fries, please. And sweet tea.”

It was hard, but Carrie pulled her gaze away from him and looked at his brother.

“I’d like the chicken sandwich, darlin’, with French fries, because I worked harder this morning than Chase did, so I can afford to indulge. And I’ll also have the sweet tea.”

Carrie quickly wrote the orders and then slipped her pad into her pocket. “I’ll be back in a couple of minutes with your tea.”

“Don’t rush, sugar. We can see you’re busy. We can wait.”

She nodded and turned away from them even as a shiver worked down her spine and straight on to her pussy. Oh, but the way they called her sugar and darlin’ really did feel more than fine deep inside. Their voices dipped low and stroked her flesh with the soft, basso timbre of intimacy, and Carrie thought she could listen to them talking to her just like that all night long.

She let herself imagine for one moment listening to them croon to her while they made love with her.

Panic sliced through her and Carrie wondered what the hell she was doing. She had never been one to date or carry on with a man, let alone act as if she was considering taking on two men at the same time.

The truth was these two cowboys got to her in a way no man ever had. Something about them touched something in her that she hadn’t even known was there. Between one heartbeat and the next she had the answer to her own question. She understood exactly what it was she was doing.

I’m daring to stop marking time and start living my life, and live it to the fullest.

Yes, she was. She was going to move on instead of simply existing, instead of merely hiding.

As she headed back to the kitchen to place the orders and load up her tray with glasses and a pitcher of tea, she asked herself something she’d never asked herself before.

If George Lockwood hadn’t happened, would she have been open to the offers of those two very lusty cowboys before now?

The answer of course was yes. She likely would have been more receptive to them.

Carrie entered the kitchen, and keyed the orders into the computer terminal, using the ordering program Kelsey was testing out.

“You look as if you’ve decided to take the bull by the horns,” Tracy said.

Carrie couldn’t help but chuckle at that. “No pun intended, but yes, I have. I’ve decided that if those two cowboys ask me out again today, I’m going to say yes.”




Carrie whimpered, an inarticulate sound of yearning and need.

Her men must have understood her. Their answering murmurs, deep rumbling sounds without words, known to the elemental woman within her, made her pussy lips quiver and her juices flow.

“You’re wet, I can tell. I can smell you and the scent of you makes my cock hard and my mouth water.”

Chase’s bold declaration shot her arousal higher. She panted, licked her lips, and thrust her chest out toward him, offering him more of her breasts.

Brian had rested his chin on her shoulder and watched his brother play with her nipples. Now his hands slid around her waist from behind, and his nimble fingers set to work opening the snap and zipper of her capris.

He slipped his hands inside both her pants and the lacy briefs she had on beneath, and swept them over her hips, carrying them with him as he hunkered down behind her.

He bit her naked ass, and then sucked on the spot, soothing the small bite with his tongue.

That tiny bite of pain damn near made her come right then and there.

“You liked that, darlin’. We’ll have to see what else you like.”

He lifted her feet, one at a time, stripping her of clothing and the veneer of civilization.

Carrie felt wild and wanton as she ran her hands over Chase’s chest, and looked over her shoulder down at Brian who was still on his haunches behind her.

“Am I the only one getting naked, here? I want to touch you and feel you and taste you.”

“We’re going to get naked, don’t you worry, darlin’. We just need to enjoy you first before we strip.”

Brian ran his hands over her ass and then edged one hand between her knees. He began to stroke her right thigh, moving upward, until he dipped his fingers into her slit. Carrie felt her juices coating his fingers, and when he pulled them away from her, she felt bereft.

“She’s sopping,” he said. Then he sucked his fingers into his mouth. “And tasty, too.”

Carrie shivered, the sight of Brian sucking her nectar from his fingers the most erotic thing she’d ever seen.

“Let’s get her on the bed so we can feast on her,” Chase said. “I want to drink some of that Carrie-juice for myself.” He stepped back and smiled at her.

Brian surged to his feet and lifted her in his arms in one smooth motion. He laid her in the middle of the enormous bed, and then followed her down. Chase followed suit and Carrie grinned, for she had a fully clothed man stretched out on either side of her. Brian used a finger under her chin to turn her face to his. Then he closed his mouth over hers, his lips hot and wet and avid as he kissed her. She tasted herself on his tongue, and the dark flavor seduced her. She sank into his kiss, opening her mouth wide to him. Her tongue began to tangle with his, and he laid a hand on her head, as if he needed to keep her in place, keep her from escaping.

She reached her right hand up and touched his face, using a light brush of her fingers to stroke his cheek. She loved the feel of the beard stubble, loved the roughness of it against her skin.

He released her lips and she felt another touch, so she turned, and opened her mouth, surrendering to another pair of lips and invading tongue.

She sucked Chase’s tongue into her mouth, stroking it the way she fully intended to stroke his cock. Then she moaned against his mouth as she felt Brian bend over her and lick her nipple.

He licked it again and then sucked it into his mouth. The sensation was hot and thrilling, and Carrie rubbed her tongue against Chase’s as his brother continued to suckle her. She rolled her hips, the action instinctive in response to the shafts of pleasure shooting through her.

Brian groaned against her breast, and the vibration of the sound on her wet flesh added even more arousal.

Then Chase stroked down the left side of her body, over her breast, down, through the very thin strip of hair above her slit.

Carrie cried out, breaking their kiss, as he speared his fingers into her cunt. In and out he finger-fucked her, and she felt him opening his fingers, caressing her all over inside, as if searching for something. She didn’t know what he hit, but she jerked with something close to an electric shock when he did. He grinned then and stroked his thumb over her clit, rubbed that inner spot again and she came.

Oh, God!” The ecstasy of this orgasm eclipsed all of her senses, far beyond anything she’d ever even imagined. Tingling, fiery lightning bolts of rapture washed over her in wave after wave of pleasure.

She floated back to earth, a drifty kind of sinking that left her feeling drained of every ounce of strength and will.

Brian had stopped suckling her, and instead laid his cheek on her chest just below her right breast. Chase had eased his fingers out of her pussy, though he still touched her. He placed his hand flat over her slit, his fingers gently pressing against her opening.

“You’re beautiful when you come, sugar. The look of bliss on your face made my cock even harder than it already was, and I didn’t think that was possible.”

He kissed her, just a quick, chaste buss. Then he eased off the bed to stand and look down at her. Brian moved to stand on the other side, but at the moment it was Chase who had all of her attention.

As his brother had done, he sucked his fingers into his mouth. Then he began to unbutton his shirt. “Can you guess what I’m going to do now? I’m going to bury my face in your pussy and lick and suck until you scream my name as you come. And as soon as you do, sugar, I’m going to fuck you.”


A Very Lusty Christmas


“Are you always quite so crass when speaking with ladies…sir?”

“I figured that being a nurse, there likely wasn’t much you hadn’t seen or heard already, Lieutenant. And before you let that red-haired temper overrule your better angels, no, I don’t think that makes you any less a lady, ma’am.”

The other major just shook his head. “I’m afraid there really is no hope for Gerald. Our mother and grandmothers have tried very hard to make a gentleman of him, but to no avail.”

“I’m not at all certain that it’s a gentle man the lady needs,” Gerald said.

Oh, my. Here was proof of her mother’s charge that she was a bit of a hoyden at heart. Any other well-bred Virginia lady might take offense at such off-color innuendos. Kate just felt her entire body become tingly and excited.

It didn’t matter that she felt drawn to these men, nor did it matter one whit that she understood, by their flirting, that they were attracted to her.

What mattered were the circumstances. They were majors, she was a lieutenant, and there were lines that were not supposed to be crossed.

“If you gentlemen will excuse me…”

Gerald reached out and touched her, just a light stroke of his hand against hers. “Please don’t go. I apologize if I’ve offended you. My name, by the way, is Gerald Benedict. This is my brother, Patrick. We’re from Texas.”

Kate failed at keeping a smile off her face. “I’m not offended, Major Benedict. I’m simply not looking for romance at this time.”

Gerald Benedict shrugged, and then had the audacity to take her left hand in his. “I’m not certain that romance is the right name for what you bring to…mind, sweetheart.”

“I thought all well-bred young ladies were intent on finding romance and making good marriages.” Patrick Benedict reached out and captured her right hand.

Good Lord, what is happening here? Kate had rarely allowed herself the intimacy of permitting a man to hold her hand. Right now two men were each holding one of her hands, and she was just standing there and letting it happen.

Her heart beat so fast and so hard she could barely string together a coherent thought. It took every bit of will to bear down and extinguish all the…well, all the lusty thoughts and feelings that were coursing through her.

“So my mother keeps telling me. To hear her talk, I’m practically on the shelf. And while I may someday get married, at the moment there is so much more important work for me to do.”

“Fair enough,” Patrick said. “But would you be so kind as to tell us your name, angel?”

“Lieutenant Wesley.” When both men continued to just stare at her, waiting, she relented. “Katherine.”

“Kate. It suits you.” Patrick raised her hand to his lips and kissed it. Then he rubbed his thumb over where his lips had touched. “It’s been an absolute pleasure meeting you, Kate.” He released her hand and grinned.

She tried to tug her hand away from Gerald but met resistance. When she glared at him, he had the nerve to chuckle. “By God, I’ll bet you’re a hot one. Juicy and spicy and hot as hell.”

“A shame you’ll never know.” Kate continued to try to pull herself away from his grasp but he proved to be very strong. Strong and yet gentle, because despite his hold on her hand, he wasn’t hurting her.

“Did that sound like a dare to you, brother?” Gerald clearly addressed Patrick, but his gaze never left Kate’s.

Patrick chuckled. “Now you’ve done it, Katie. Gerald simply can’t resist a dare.”

“Allow me to correct the major’s misconception, then. That, sir, was not a dare. It was a statement of fact.”

“I never knew being called ‘sir’ by my woman would arouse me so.”

Kate gasped, not so much out of outrage but because the words he said and the way he’d said them aroused her, too.

“I am not your woman.”

“Say that again, after.”

“After what?”

“After this.”

Kate could barely breathe as he pulled her into his arms. She kept her gaze locked on his even as he lowered his head. In some corner of her mind she realized he’d let go of her, allowing her to escape, if that indeed was what she truly wanted to do.

Rather than escaping as she should have done, Kate gave in to her own impulsive side and did what she’d wanted to do since the first time she’d laid eyes on these men. She stepped just a half inch closer, so that her body touched his. And then she fisted the lapels of his uniform jacket and tugged him closer.

“If you’re going to kiss me, Major, make it a damn good one.”




Patrick eased her blouse from her body.

“Pretty.” Patrick used a finger to trace the top of her thin cotton vest.

She’d donned the extra undergarment that morning without thinking. She’d gotten in the habit of wearing the vest over top of her brassiere simply because it smoothed the look of her uniform.

Kate had perused the Sears catalogue when it would come in and often wondered about some of the fancy lingerie she’d seen there—wondering how it would feel against her skin. But she’d never actually pined for something that would be more alluring than her usual simple cotton sets, until just now.

“Pretty plain,” she said, her nerves getting the better of her.

“You’ll have to take our word on it, Kate, since we’re the ones doing the looking. That little vest is a glorious tease, and very alluring.” Gerald’s no-nonsense tone steadied her. “However, it most definitely has to go—at least for the moment.”

When Patrick gathered the vest in his hands and began to raise it, she lifted her arms for him herself.

Cool air kissed her heated flesh. She didn’t look down, choosing instead to keep her gaze fixed on the man who seemed to be enjoying the task of undressing her. He certainly seemed to be enthralled with her, if that heated look that had just come into his eyes was anything to go by.

Gerald’s hands stroked her back and then she felt the hooks in the back of her bra release. Patrick gently pulled the small cotton covering off her.

“Your breasts are beautiful, baby.” Gerald’s gruff voice didn’t prepare her for the gentleness of his caress as he reached around from behind her and cupped her right breast in his hand. His finger and thumb stroked and then tugged at her nipple. Both nipples reacted by hardening into tiny little nubs. A wave of shivery thrills swept her, and Kate’s knees weakened.

“Your nipples look like tight, ripe little berries, just waiting to be devoured.” Patrick’s tone had thickened, and his words tickled her pussy.

Kate shivered because although she’d known the slang that men used for a woman’s vagina, she’d never even thought that word in relation to herself before.

She swallowed the urge to laugh. That first time was nothing compared to the one she was about to experience.

Gerald lifted her arms once more, and she cooperated in sliding her hands around his neck and locking her fingers together.

“I wonder if they taste as sweet as berries?” Gerald directed that question to his brother.

Usually Kate’s temper would flare if a man spoke about her as if she wasn’t even there. Gerald’s domineering attitude didn’t ruffle her feathers. It stroked her pussy with wisps of pleasure.

“Mmm, good question.” Patrick bent forward and sucked her left nipple into his mouth.

Oh, God!” Heat exploded out from her breast radiating through her entire body. She’d never understood the degree to which a woman’s breasts could be manipulated to arouse and excite her. She moaned, and couldn’t stop her hips from thrusting out toward Patrick, a tiny little roll that had been completely instinctive.

“You’re so damned responsive, Katie.” Patrick released her nipple that now felt wet and even more swollen. He nuzzled her breast and then turned his attention to the other one.

He suckled her right nipple, treating it to a tiny nip that made her cry out. She felt moisture flood her underpants, and knew an urge to strive and reach for…something.

Gerald chose that moment to reach around from behind and smooth his hands over her stomach. He used broad, sweeping strokes that caressed just above her mons. Oh, yes, that’s what I need. The man had magic hands and she needed him to touch her slit.

“Mmm, you are so very damned responsive to us.” Gerald reached up with one hand and cupped her chin, raising her face, turning her face toward him so that he could kiss her. Excitement skittered through her and Kate reveled in it. Feeling daring, she boldly met his tongue stroke for stroke. She copied him, drinking from him in the same compelling way he’d been drinking from her.

Her pants came loose, and then dropped from her body to lie in a pool by her feet.

“You’re so hot. Your heat, and the scent of your arousal is coming off you in waves.” Patrick had raised his head from her breasts to meet her eyes.

“We need you naked, baby.”

Maybe she wasn’t the only one shaking. Patrick’s hands conveyed urgency and need in the way he slid them down her waist to the edge of her underpants. One sweep of his hands and her panties joined her pants around her ankles.

“Dear Lord, woman, you are magnificent.” Patrick’s whispered words thrilled her. He dropped to his knees in front of her, and eased her feet free of not only her fallen clothing, but her footwear as well. Then he looked up and met her gaze.

“Here’s where I begin to shock you.”

Kate had no time to ask him what he meant, for in the next breath he leaned forward and put his mouth on her pussy.

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